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4 items are filed under this topic.
Dividing by a fraction 2018-11-02
From Fadely:
If 8 divided by 4/2 can be expressed as 8 X 2/4, how can 8 X 2/4 be converted back to 8 divided by 4/2?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Two pieces of rope 2016-05-21
From Render:
Fred cuts a 12- inch piece of rope. Then he cuts a second piece of rope that is 3/2 longer than the first piece. Is the second piece shorter or longer than the first piece? Explain.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Dividing by a fraction 2015-11-21
From Jennifer:

Question from Jennifer, a student:

I want to know how to get the right answer for this math problem, dividing a fraction in to a whole number , example 3/8 using the whole number 6? Thanks

Answered by Penny Nom.
What is 8.6597 divided by two thirds? 2010-03-22
From patsy:
what is 8.6597 divided by two thirds
Answered by Penny Nom.



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