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5 items are filed under this topic.
Some number theoretic speculations 2008-12-04
From Andrew:
Another way of looking at the 'alternating parity polynomial', again based on Fermat's Little Theorem, is to substitute (a - b) for x in x^(p-1) - 1 as this is always divisible by any prime p. So, if one removes the "- 1", there is always a remainder of (1/p)! (I took up your challenge!)


Answered by Chris Fisher and Victoria West.
x^5 + y^5 + z^5 = w^5 2001-01-11
From Samuel Brown:
x5 + y5 + z5 = w5 I have no idea whether or not this is possible.
Answered by Claude Tardif.
2^32 + 1 2000-04-08
From Un Etudiant:
232 +1 can be divided by 641 , why?
Answered by Claude Tradif.
Dernier théorème de Fermat 2006-06-06
From Jean-Claude:
Bonjour, je suis étudiant au baccalauréat en mathématique et j'aimerais savoir où et comment je peux me procurer la démonstration du dernier théorème de Fermat écrite par Wiles.
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Nombre Premier 2003-02-24
From Un Etudiant:
Montrer que si p est facteur premier de 22n + 1 alors (p-1) est multiple de 2n+2
Answered by Claude Tardif.



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