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3 items are filed under this topic.
Geocaching 2010-10-15
From Clint:
I am stuck on a puzzle for Geocaching which is a GPS game. I know it is a number matrix but don't know how to start.

[1 -7 16 -3 -9; 1 -3 18 -20 -33] x [1 8 -9 3 5; 0 1 0 4 2; 0 0 1 2 1; 0 0 0 1 -1; 0 0 0 0 1] = ?

Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Matrix multiplication 2008-04-08
From manashi:
i. why matrix division is not possible?
ii.when we add or subtract two matrix , getting the result by addind or subtracting correspondind elements....but in case of multiplication it is not but why?

Answered by Harley Weston.
Induction 2006-10-31
From Ross:
Suppose that A and B are square matrices with the property AB= BA. Show that AB^n = B^n A for every positive integer n.
Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.



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