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3 items are filed under this topic.
Going to Neptune 2008-07-29
From mariah:
how fast would you be going per hour if you wanted to get to neptune in 1 week ?
Answered by Penny Nom.
How far from Earth is Neptune? 2006-03-21
From Scott:
A laser beam travelling at the speed of light bounces off the planet Neptune and returns to Earth in 29 960.72 s. The speed of light is 299 792.5 km/s. How far from Earth is Neptune?
Answered by Penny.
Ratios and weights on Neptune 2002-06-03
From Janice:
The ratio of an object's weight on earth to it's weight on Neptune is 5:7. How much would a person who weighs 150 pounds on earth weigh on Neptune.
Answered by Penny Nom.



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