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A hexagonal planter 2020-05-28
From Callie:
Hello, I'm having trouble cutting my angles for my 2 x 4 planter. I did exactly as I've watched and read and mine is just not turning out! Ok, so I want 6 or 8 piece hexagon. With an interior of about 10". So I understand that the boards can be any length, but its the 30 degree or 22 1/2" angles that matter. So. How do I figure how long my 2 x 4 is with 6. and another 8 pieces of 2 x 4 to make this planter and at what angle. So does the length determine the angle? Thank you in advance! i don't want to waste anymore wood! And how to figure length, angle and center circumference?
Answered by Harley Weston.



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