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3 items are filed under this topic.
The parameterisation of of a curve 2014-04-01
From Eunice:
Let C be the path along the curve given by y−80=−5x2 that moves from the point (5,−45) to the point (0,80). Find r(t) the parameterisation of C in that direction as t∈[0,5]. How am I suppose to find the parametric of both x and y?
can I let x=t, then y=-5t^2+80? thanks

Answered by Penny Nom.
The parameterization of a parabola 2012-04-27
From Shawna:
I am having problems finding the parameterization of a parabola. The question I was given is: Find the work done if a particle moves from the points (-2,4) to (1,1) along the parabola y=x^2, while subject to the vector force of F=(x^3y,x-y). So how would I start with finding the parameterization of a parabola?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Parameterization of a curve 2009-01-10
From stephanie:
Give parameterizations r(t)=x(t)i + y(t)j for the part of the parabola y=2x-x^2, from (2,0) to (0,0). Sketch the curve using arrows to show direction for increasing t. Essentially, i want to know how to determine the direction a particle is moving in for any curve, i have a vague idea using r'(t). Also, how do i parameterize? x=? and y=? Ans: x=2-t, y=2(2-t)-(2-t)^2
Answered by Harley Weston.



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