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Graphing piecewise functions 2014-03-29
From Rayven:
Hi! I'm in eighth grade, taking ninth grade algebra 1. I'm confused as to how to graph piecewise functions. I know that you have already answered a question similar to this (I did my research first) but it didn't completely help me on my homework. I have to graph piecewise functions for the specified domains, and create a table for the absolute values. I know that two bars around a number means absolute value (two bars around -2 makes it +2) , but how do I graph and chart the absolute value for the following:

f(x)= |x+3 | for -5≤x≤3

And then graph and chart: (on a separate graph):

f(x)= {x if x≤0
{x+1 if x <0

thank you!

Answered by Penny Nom.



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