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7 items are filed under this topic.
Belled-out pier 2008-01-28
From Gina:
I need to know how to find the total yards needed to fill a concrete pier that is 54"/ 108" and 26' deep. That is...54" @ the top of the pier belled to 108" @ the bottom...26' deep.
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Logarithms 2004-02-01
From A student:
Where did the word logarithmic come from? Where/whom did it originate?
Answered by Harley Weston.
Two calculus problems 2000-05-01
From Kaushal Shah:
How Do WE Integrate the following Functions,
  1. Integral xtanx dx
  2. How was natural base "e" discovered and why e=2.7.......

Answered by Claude Tardif.
John Napier and e 1999-02-06
From Shimin:
I would like to ask about the exact definition of e, its history (like how John Napier came about discovering it) and its applications in problems and real life situations. Thank you!
Answered by Chris Fisher.
Logs 1998-10-21
From Benny:
What does log means? How come we have to use log
Answered by Chris Fisher.
Calculer la hauteur de chute de cette pierre 2000-12-16
From Marcus:
Une pierre tombe au fond d'un puit, à 5 secondes on entend un son (de la pierre). Calculer la hauteur de chute de cette pierre en tenant compte de la vitesse du son = 340m.s-1

Il faut savoir que pour la chute libre v= g.t ; h = 1/2 g.t2 ; v = 2g.h

g intensité du champs de pesanteur = 10 ; h hauteur de chute.

Answered by Claude tardif.
logarithme neperien 1999-11-10
From Louise Kieffer:
D'où provient la valeur e ( 2,7....) des logarithmes népériens ?
Answered by Claude Tardif.



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