10 items are filed under this topic.
Profit margin and markup |
2018-01-18 |
From Oyewumi: Mr A sold a car to Mr B at 20% profit margin and Mr B sold the car to Mr C at 30% markup on cost. If Mr C got the car at $x.
1. How much did Mr A buy the car in terms of x.
2. How much did Mr A buy the car if x is $2800000 Answered by Penny Nom. |
Profit margin |
2013-05-06 |
From Arron: I have the retail price of $45.50. This price reflects a gross profit margin of 47%. How do I calculate the original cost of the item? Answered by Penny Nom. |
I want to make a 50% profit |
2010-10-29 |
From Debbie: If my cost on an item is $32.00 and I want to make a 50% profit- What would the retail be? Answered by Penny Nom. |
Profit margin |
2009-05-26 |
From andreya: what is the profit margin of a business that spends $200 in order to make $1000 Answered by Penny Nom. |
Profit percentage (markup and margin) |
2007-12-18 |
From Laura: If my husband says he sold $11,000 worth of tools and made $1400 on the deal, what is the percent of profit? Answered by Stephen La Rocque. |
Profit margin |
2006-11-22 |
From Kris: I just started a new sales position and need to calculate profit margins based on my cost of a given product. For example I have a piece of equipment that costs me $102,077.73. I need to figure a profit margin of 18% from cost to arrive at my sale price. What is the best way to do this? Answered by Penny Nom. |
Profit margin |
2006-11-04 |
From Beverly: Our costs to make a product is $73.00. We want to sell this product and make a 30 percent profit margin. What is the selling price? What is the simple formula to follow? Is there a chart we can go to that shows us these percentage of profit breakdowns Answered by Penny Nom. |
Selling Price using Profit Margin |
2006-10-29 |
From Chris: What is the selling price of my inventory, find using the profit margin? Inventory A costs $2,300. The profit margin is 55% Inventory B cost is $4,500. The profit margin is 210%. Answered by Penny Nom. |
Markup, profit and margin |
2003-11-24 |
From Ali: I have question regarding Margins, Markups and Profit
Purchase price = $ 10.00
Margin or Markup ?? = 40 %
Therefore Selling Price = 10/0.6 = $ 16.67
Profit ? = (16.67-10)/10 *100 = 66.67%
or is the profit = (16.67-10)/16.67*100 = 40 %
Can you please clarify What is Margin, Markup and Profit Answered by Penny Nom. |
Profit margin |
2003-09-03 |
From Chet:
My salesman calculates a customers profit margin by dividing what the customer paid by what he sells for, then subtracting that answer from 1. For example a customer sells a product for $15. He bought it for $10. 15/10=.66 Subtract that from 1 and get a profit % of 33% Here's my question: If I want to figure what a reseller will sell a product for if he wants 40% margin(by the technique above), what formula do I use? Let's say I want to sell a product for 8.50, and I want the reseller to make 40% Answered by Penny Nom. |