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We found 20 items matching your search.
Middle Years Problems - 1999
A collection of problems created by students in an Mathematics Education course in the Winter of 1999. These problems are aimed at the middle years mathematics content.
This is the lead article in the seventh edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. The topic of the sixth edition of the newsletter is petterning and algebra. In this article Vi and Rick introduce the concept of pattern through some ideas from literature and through a recent 'pattern' experience.
Tantalizing Tessellations!! (HTML or PDF)
This unit was written by three students as a project in a mathematics education class, EdMath 215, at the University of Regina.
Les calculatrices dans la salle de classe (TEC)
Un aperçu de l'accent qu'on accorde à la calculatrice dans l'apprentissage des mathématiques.
M.C. Escher: les mathématiques et les arts visuels
Cette unité montre l'intégration des mathématiques (la géométrie en particulier) et des arts visuels par l'entremise des oeuvres de M.C. Escher.



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