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The game of 24 2006-11-28
From John:
Math 24 with 9, 8, 4, 2?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.
Creating a triangle in a circle 2006-11-28
From Dirk:
My daughter has a school project where she must draw a circle and then draw an equilateral triangle inside the circle. She said you have to identify six points on the circle to correctly draw the triangle. How do you accomplish this?
Answered by Penny Nom.
What proportion of cups of coffee have at least one defect 2006-11-28
From Ayman:
coffee machine may be defective since it dispenses the wrong amount of coffee (C) & or the wrong amount of suger ( S ) the probability of these defects are P(C) = 0.05, P(S) = 0.04 & P( C&S ) = 0.01 find
1- what proportion of cups of coffee have at least one defect
2- what proportion of cups of coffee have no defect

Answered by Penny Nom.
Quel est ce nombre? 2006-11-28
From Dourlent:
je multiplie un nombre par 10 et il augmente de135. Quel est ce nombre?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
The sum of prime numbers 2006-11-28
From Rambabu:
I would like to know the sum of prime numbers below some X say 10000. Provide me with easy way to get this done
Answered by Penny Nom.
An arithmetic series 2006-11-28
From Jillian:
Find the sum of 21 terms of an arithmetic series that has an eleventh term equal to 30.
Answered by Penny Nom.
solve; 2006-11-28
From Monique:
solve; f(f(x)) = 2x + 4 ; if f(x) = 1
Answered by Penny Nom.
A geometric sequence 2006-11-28
From Jillian:
Find x so that 2x, x + 5, x - 7 are consecutive terms of a geometric sequence.
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
2x > -6 and x - 4 < 3 2006-11-27
From Alyssa:
2x > -6 and x - 4 < 3 , i need to know how to solve it and how to graph it.
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
A spherical bowl 2006-11-26
From Lynne:
A spherical bowl of internal radius 15cm is partly filled with liquid. If the radius of the horizontal liquid surface is 12cm, calculate (taking the value of pi to be 3.142), the height of this liquid surface above the center of the bowl.
Answered by Penny Nom.
A problem involving logs 2006-11-26
From Beth:
any help would be appreciated on how to solve without using the change of base formula for logarithms in the solution and check of the solution!!!

log256 (x) + log16 (x) + log4 (x) + log 2 (x) = 7/4

Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.
Arithmetic with base -2 2006-11-26
From Yuva:
can we do arithmetic ,base -2. If yes, how and if not, why.
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
The area of a semicircle 2006-11-25
From Melinda:
If the radius of a semi-circle is 9ft what is the area?
Answered by Karen McIver and Penny Nom.
How many licence plates are possible? 2006-11-24
From Naomi:
The state of New York has licence plates with five numbers followed by either a letter A or a letter B (eg. 36457A ,59972B ). How many licence plates are possible?
Answered by Penny Nom.
(x - 5)/3 - 3/2 = (4x + 7)/6 2006-11-23
From Terri:
I have never had algebra before and I am finding it difficult.Can you please help me work this problem out?

(x - 5)/3 - 3/2 = (4x + 7)/6

Answered by Penny Nom.



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