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The volume of a cube 2006-09-29
From Greg:
Nicolai said that 6 billion can represent the volume of a cube. How many units long is the cube? How do you know?"
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Family of lines 2006-09-29
From Sasha:
could a "Family of Lines" have both parallel and intersecting equations that aren't related directly but otherwise related by each other to create a curve
Answered by Chris Fisher.
2 5 11 17 23 31 ? 2006-09-28
From Bernice:
How do you determine the next number in the following sequence:
2 5 11 17 23 31 ?

Answered by Penny Nom.
How do you convert square inches to square yards 2006-09-28
From A student:
how do you convert square inches to square yards
Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.
Arrays 2006-09-28
From Taylor and Laura:
Hello. My daughter Taylor is in 4th grade and has an assignment about Arrays. My husband and I had no idea what an Array was. At least not in mathematical terms. What is an array? I don't think I ever studied this when I was a kid.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Avec les chiffres 1,5,6,7, vous devez arriver a un total de 21 2006-09-28
From Danny:
J'ai un problème qui est le suivant: Avec les chiffres 1,5,6,7, vous devez arriver a un total de 21 en les utilisant qu'une seule fois et en utilisant la multiplication, l'addition, la division et la soustraction...
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Computing gravity 2006-09-27
From Patricia:
What is the gravity of planet z in inch/hr squared if the weight of an element with mass of 45000 oz on planet z is 2N?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
A volume 2006-09-27
From jc:
If I have to pay storage charges on 45 cu ft. What size is that area L X W X H
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
What number could it be? 2006-09-27
From Jonathan:
What number could it be?

It is between 12000 and 13000
Its hundreds, ten and ones digits are all odd
the sum of all its digits is 12.

Answered by Steve La Rocque and Claude Tardif.
The median 2006-09-26
From Sam:
How do you find the median in a group of numbers?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.
X^1/3-X^1/9=60 2006-09-26
From Harini:
I need the answer for

The value of X in X^1/3-X^1/9=60.
Answered by Penny Nom.

We need to know how many cubic yards of concrete to order for the job. 2006-09-25
From Linda:
We are pouring an additional drive way and shop in our back yard. The total square foot of all the concrete is 1200 and the concrete will be 3" deep. We need to know how many cubic yards of concrete to order for the job.
Answered by Penny Nom.
An expansion and a translation 2006-09-25
From meghan:

Write the equations for f(x) = squareroot(4 - (x - 2)^2) after:

a) a horizontal expansion by a factor of 2
Answer: f(x) = squareroot(4 - (1/2x - 2)^2)
b) a horizontal translation 3 units left
Answer: f(x) = squareroot(4 - (x + 1)^2)
c) the expansion in part a), then the translation in part b)
d) the translation in part b), then the expansion in part a)

I understand how to do a) and b), but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do for the equations in a specific order (expansion, then translation vs. translation, then expansion).

Answered by Penny Nom.
Least common multiple 2006-09-25
From A student:
What is the LCM of 10,45 and 38?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Equivalent fractions 2006-09-25
From Orlanda:
How do I write two equivalent decimals for 5.8?
Answered by Penny.



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