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BEDMAS 2006-09-24
From Partick:
if you have a question like this
how do you solve it step by step

Answered by Penny Nom.
How many items must the company produce to begin to make a profit? 2006-09-24
From Devon:
The profit a manufacturing company makes can be found using the formula P=120n - n^2 - 2200 How many items must the company produce to begin to make a profit?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
a _________________ line forms a 90 degree angle with another line 2006-09-24
From Lisa:
a _________________ line forms a 90 degree angle with another line is this to it what fills in the blank? first letter is E third letter is R and has 13 letters
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Piecewise functions 2006-09-24
From Claudia:
hi! i was just looking at a question by someone else about piecewise functions, but i still don't get it.
my problem is
g(x){x+2 if x <-2}
g(x){2x - 1 if x> or = -2}

Answered by Penny Nom.
Estimating products by rounding 2006-09-24
From Ann:
my son is in the fifth grade and they are doing estimate products rounding both factors, he knows how to round off a decimal, but he is having a problem doing a decimal and a whole number for example 5.96x3=? He knows the 5.96 round off to 6. but what does the 3 round off to?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Help me prove that the square root of 6 is irrational 2006-09-23
From Sylvia:
Could you please help me prove that the square root of 6 is irrational ?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
The perimeter of an acre 2006-09-23
From George:
I am trying to figure out how many feet go around the perimeter of one acre of land for a fence.
Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.
I need to cut an octagon 2006-09-23
From Freddie:
I have a 48 inch square piece of wood that I need to cut into an octagon, help. What's an easy way to just measure and cut it.
Answered by Penny Nom.
How do I determine the length of the lot? 2006-09-22
From Dylan:
If a rectangular lot's perimeter is 340 feet, the width is 70 feet. How do I determine the length of the lot?
Answered by Penny Nom.
An equilateral triangle has been wedged in between two circles. 2006-09-22
From Kim:

An equilateral triangle has been wedged in between two circles. How does the diameter of the smaller circle compare to the diameter of the larger circle.

image: circle inside of an equilateral triangle touching all sides of the triangle; both the triangle and the circle inside are placed into a larger circle where the triangle vertices all touch the circle

Answered by Penny Nom.
How long will it be before the two snails meet? 2006-09-21
From Brett:
Two snails are 8.5 feet apart. They start to crawl toward each other at the same time. One of them travels at the speed of 6 in. per minute, while the other zips along at 11 inches per minute. How long will it be before the two snails meet?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The odd numbers from 30 to 80 2006-09-21
From Kieran:
If you added all the odd numbers from 30 to 80, would the answer be even or odd? Explain.

I think it would be odd because I used this equation:
(30 x 5)+(40 x 5)+(50 x 5)+(60 x 5)+(70 x 5)+(25 x 5)=1325
I used the numbers for each set of ten -30 to 80 times 5 and the amount of the endings-1,3,5,7,9- added, times 5. Is that right?

Answered by Penny Nom.
Sqyare yards and cubic yards 2006-09-21
From Kevin:
Answered by Penny Nom.
Linear systems 2006-09-21
From Alexander:
Hello, i have a math assignment due tonight at midnight and i need some help please

It is using the addition method to solve linear systems
Answered by Penny.

What is the diameter of the circle that contains this octagon? 2006-09-21
From Dave:
if the distance between two parallel sides of an octagon is 350 cm, what is the diameter of the circle that contains this octagon (ie. a circle that touches all eight corners)?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.



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