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A side segment of an octagon 2006-06-24
From Ed:
I would like to know how to find a side segment of an octagon when I know that my octagon is 9 feet from side to side and top to bottom?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
A trig problem 2006-06-24
From Greg:
A and B are two towers, B being 4 km due east of A. The true bearings of a flagpole, C, from A and B are α east of north and α west of north respectively. The true bearings of a second flagpole, D, from A and B are (α + β) east of north and (α - β) west of north respectively. Assuming A, B, C, and D are on level ground, and that α = 25, β = 10, find the distance between C and D.
Answered by Penny Nom.
The area of a sector and a triangle 2006-06-23
From Howard:
I thought of the following problem which is similar but much simpler than the tethered goat problem: What is the angle(it is more illustrative in degrees)of arc of a unit circle so that the area between the chord it subtends and the arc length is equal to the area of the triangle with opposite side the subtended chord.
Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.
As close to 841 as possible 2006-06-21
From Alan:
using these numbers by either add subtract division multiply come up with the answer as close to 841
100 25 10 7 6 3

Answered by Paul Betts.
simplify 7x + 4y + 2x - 6y 2006-06-21
From Alan:
simplify 7x + 4y + 2x - 6y
Answered by Paul Betts.
Combien a t-il rapporté dans une journée ? 2006-06-21
From Madame Moro:
On lui donne un prix au km soit 1630 €/km, Marc a réalisé 211 m dans la journée, Combien a t-il rapporté dans une journée ?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Gallons in a pool 2006-06-21
From Dave:
is it possible to find out how many gallons of water is in my 18 foot x 12 foot pool it is also about 4 and 1/2 feet deep?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A 5 digit, push-button door 2006-06-20
From George:
We have a 5 digit, push-button door look (1-5). How many combinations are possible without repeating a number in a 3 digit entry code?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
What should the length of the other sides? 2006-06-20
From Kevin:
if a property is basically square for 5 acres and one side is 340 feet what should the length of the other sides?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
how to convert square meter to meter 2006-06-20
From Wan:
Pls advice
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Rates and percentages 2006-06-20
From Todd:
If rates are about to rise 1.84%, from the current 5.30% that they are currently at. What amount are they going to increase to?

I ask because many publications print an answer that is 7.14% but I don't see that as correct because the first line would have to say an increase of 184 basis points for that to be correct. My answer to this is about 5.4%. Am I thinking correctly?

secondly, if rates are about to move to 7.14% from 5.3% what percentage move is this?

I get an answer of about 35%. am I off on this or is everyone else that I ask not calculating correctly?

Answered by Claude Tardif.
2 to the -5th power 2006-06-19
From Murray:
Is 2 to the -5th power = -32?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Factor 81x^4 - 72x^2 + 16 2006-06-19
From Jesse:

how would i factor this?

81x4 - 72x2 + 16

Answered by Penny.
Convert 13ft by 10ft room area into square feet 2006-06-18
From Marlene:
want to convert 13ft by 10ft room area into square feet
Answered by Penny Nom.
What are the 3rd and 4th terms of (2x-y)^7? 2006-06-18
From April:
What are the 3rd and 4th terms of this sequence: (2x-y)7?
I'm having an issue with this...is there any easier way to get it without completely factoring the whoooole thing out?

Answered by Penny Nom.



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