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find the height of the tower 2006-06-17
From Evelyn:
The angle of elevation from a point 89.6' from the base of a tower to the top of the tower is 42'40'... find the height of the tower
Answered by Penny Nom.
What will the graph of y=x2 - 2x - 3 be? 2006-06-17
From Byrony:
What will the graph of y=x2 - 2x - 3 be?
Answered by Steve La Rocque.
express the number 100 using the same figure 6x 2006-06-17
From A student:
express the number 100 using the same figure 6x
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
13 57 91 11 31 51 ?? 2006-06-15
From Chastity:
im trying to determine the missing number in the sequence 13 57 91 11 31 51 ??
Answered by Claude Tardif, Steve La Rocque and Natasha Glydon.
How much did I have in my wallet when I lost it? 2006-06-15
From Marangeo:
I recently lost my wallet and when it came to completing the police report I couldn't remember how much money I had in there. I do remember thinking that the first time I bought something that it cost me 10 per cent of what I had. Then I noticed that the second purchase had also cost me exactly 10 per cents of what I had left. My receipts totalled $19. How much did I have in my wallet when I lost it?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
How many gallons of water are in a 24' X 4' round swimming pool? 2006-06-15
From Nicole:
How many gallons of water are in a 24' X 4' round swimming pool?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
What is the probability that the policeman will shadow the correct person? 2006-06-14
From Kolby:
Through an informer from the underworld, the police know the meeting place of a gang. The identity of the different gang members, however, is unknown. it is the duty of a policeman to shadow the leader of the gang. The policeman knows that the leader is the tallest of the five persons, all of whom have different heights. after the meeting, the gangsters, as a safety measure, leave the building separately at intervals of 5 minutes. As the policeman cannot see who is the tallest, he decides to let the first two gangsters go and shadow the one after that who is taller than all those who left before.Through an informer from the underworld, the police know the meeting place of a gang. The identity of the different gang members, however, is unknown. it is the duty of a policeman to shadow the leader of the gang. The policeman knows that the leader is the tallest of the five persons, all of whom have different heights. after the meeting, the gangsters, as a safety measure, leave the building separately at intervals of 5 minutes. As the policeman cannot see who is the tallest, he decides to let the first two gangsters go and shadow the one after that who is taller than all those who left before. What is the probability that the policeman will shadow the correct person?
Answered by Steve La Rocque and Claude Tardif.
How many digits are in the number 2^64? 2006-06-14
From Trang:
How many digits are in the number 264?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
How many bags will it take to cover the area? 2006-06-14
From Ken:
I have area of 160 sq ft. I want to put mulch in the area 2 inches thick. The bag of mulch comes with 2 cu ft of mulch per bag. How many bags will it take to cover the area?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A 52 cubic foot box 2006-06-14
From Konstanze:
I need to figure out what LXHXW I need to create a 1.5 cubic meter or 52 cubic foot volume--there is an answer in your database that relates to this..but it does not give the formula to go from cubic feet/inches to a measurement for a box.

Empirically I can figure out that 3 x 3 x 3 equals 27 and that 3.5 feet (42") x 3.5 x 3.5 equals 42.87 and 3.75 x 3.75 x 3.75 equals 52.73 which is about 1.5 cubic meters (1cubic meter = 52.971643 cubic feet) i.e a box 45 x 45x 45 "

There must be an easier way.

Answered by Penny Nom.
The chord length of a polygon 2006-06-14
From Krishna:
I have to find out the chord length of a polygon - Tetradecagon ! The Radius of the Circle is 11.5 Cms. The Circle is intersepted by 14 arcs. Then how to find out the chord length?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
A jar contains 36.25$ 2006-06-12
From Brunia:
A jar contains 36.25$ in pieces of 0.10 and of 0.25$. If it there has 250 change pieces in all, how much there he has pieces of 0.25$ in the jar.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Fahrenheit and Celsius 2006-06-12
From Doris:
I just know how to do problems with fahrenheit or celcius. Could you show me step by step how to do these? Then I can do it if you can show me each step of the way.
Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.
The zeros of a function 2006-06-12
From Sky:
find all the real zeros of the function:
f(x)=2x3 + 4x2 - 2x - 4

Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
how do i find i^22? 2006-06-12
From Sky:
how do i find i22?

Answered by Stephen La Rocque.



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