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4 acres

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3 items are filed under this topic.
The fencing needed for a square pasture 2019-12-10
From Penny:
I'm trying to calculate how many feet of fence I will need to fence a 4 acre square pasture.
Answered by Harley Weston.
A 4 sided lot 2017-08-15
From Micheal:
If one side of .4 acre is 25 feet what would the other three sides be
Answered by Penny Nom.
A 1.4 acre square 2016-06-28
From Jamie:
Dear Faithfullness,

I was previously to be purchasing a square 1 acre plot, which I believe was to have 209feet, 4 sides perimeter.

How big would a 1.4 acre site be?
In sq feet length ie original 209ft + (the adeed 0.4)

Answered by Penny Nom.



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