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3 items are filed under this topic.
Equal ordinate and abscissa 2013-08-15
From sonit:
the slope of tangent to the curve y=(4-x^2)^1/2 at the point, where the ordinate and abscissa are equal, is
Answered by Penny Nom.
Terminology 2003-08-31
From Maria:
My daughter Veronica is a rising 6th grader and has to complete some Summer Math
assignments and would like to ask you three questions:
  1. ___________ are number pairs that have a product of 1.

  2. You can name any point on a plane with two numbers. These two numbers are called _____________.

  3. A _______________ is the size of a cube that is exactly 1 inch on each edge.

Answered by Penny Nom.
Y-axis 1997-05-29
From Leah:
I know that the proper name for the X axis is the abscissa, but, what is the proper name for the Y axis?
Answered by Chris Fisher.



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