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addition of fractions

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4 items are filed under this topic.
1/x + 1/y 2006-08-11
From Sonya:
what is 1/x+1/y = ? is it equal to 1/x+y or what?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Adding fractions 2003-11-16
From Ken:
My name is Ken and I am taking my GED course for my High School and have not been in a class for 35 years. I am doing this for re-training. I am at the part about fractions. Here is an example that I am having trouble with.

1 3/7 + 4 2/3 + 11/21

They have no common denominators. Could you PLEASE help me. If you could send me a step by step explanation it would be greatly appreciated.

Answered by Penny Nom.
Common Denominator 2002-08-26
From Slobodanka:
What is a Common Denominator?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A Sum or Product of Fractions 1998-10-06
From Emily Robb:
Find a pair of fractions that when they are multiplyed and added the sum /product is the same
Answered by Penny Nom.



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