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area of a dome

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4 items are filed under this topic.
The surface area of a dome 2020-09-13
From Sue:
i need to know the outside square footage of a dome house 24ft across at the bottom and 16ft high so i know how much paint it will take to cover it.
Answered by Harley Weston.
The surface area of a dome 2018-12-18
From Chithrabhanu:
If a dom dia is 4.552 and the height is 1.21 what is the surface area?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The area of a domed roof 2015-11-13
From Brandon:
I have a tank with a 13' radius that has a domed roof of 3.5' tall How do I figure out the area in SQFT?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The surface area of a circular dome 2014-04-10
From Shafiqah:
Is this a dome's surface area formula??
{{2 × π r × h square units}}
Is the surface area of the floor for the dome is calculate too in this formula?

Thanks for answering. =)

Answered by Robert Dawson and Penny Nom.



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