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area of a parallelogram

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Parallelogram area 2015-08-04
From Nigel:
To find the area of a parallelogram you multiply the base by the height of the parallogram, the height being determined by an imaginary line drawn at right angles to the base. However if I made a parallelogram with joints at each corner and maipulated it to an upright position where the base and sides were at 90 degrees to each other,, I could then simply multiply the base times the height to get the area. Since the sloping side of the parallelogram does not vary in my imaginary jointed model, why can I not simply multiply the base by the sloping side to get the area in the same way that I multiply the base times the height of a square to find its area ? I cannot find the answer to this on the internet although I have searched.
Answered by Chris Fisher.



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