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Pulleys and belts 2006-10-31
From Lynn:

A belt has a linear speed of 32 mph. It is spinning three pulleys.
Pulley A has diameter 14 in. radius = 7 inches
Pulley B has diameter 26 in. radius = 13 inches
Pulley C has radius 3 ft. radius = 36 inches

Angular speed in Radians per min for
I got
Pulley A= .08 rads/min Pulley B= .04 rads/min Pulley C=.01 rads/min

How many cm would pulley C travel in 14 seconds?

Answered by Penny Nom.
A belt around two pulleys 2004-12-07
From Ian:
a belt is stretched around two pulleys whose centers are d units apart and whose radii are R and r respectively (obviously R+r<d). the challenge is to find the length of the belt, l as a formula in terms of R, r, and d only.
Answered by Penny Nom.



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