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2 items are filed under this topic.
The median with ties 2002-02-27
From Marcel:
What, exactly, is the proper way to determine the median of a set of numbers when doubles or triples of a number are part of that set? Do the doubles count as two and the triples three, or does each count only as one toward determining the median.
Answered by Harley Wston.
Tennis doubles 2000-02-04
From Brittany Allinson:
Cheri, Beth and Jacinta are daughters of Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Marchand, and Mr. Benoit. Four of these people are playing tennis doubles. Mr. Benoit's daughter and Mr. Sullivan are partners. Cheri's father and Mr. Marchand's daughter are also partners. There aren't any father/daughter combinations. Who is Cheri's father?
Answered by Penny Nom.



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