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5 items are filed under this topic.
3x6)+(12divided by2)-8= ? 2012-12-17
From christina:
hi my question that's been bothering me is what's
(3x6)+(12divided by2)-8= ?????

Answered by Penny Nom.
5 + 5 + 5 - 5 + 5 + 5 - 5 + 5 x 0 = 2012-07-29
From Tom:
5 + 5 + 5 - 5 + 5 + 5 - 5 + 5 x 0 =
Answered by Harley Weston.
Evaluating -x^2 + (yz - 3)^2 2009-09-28
From Kathy:
My daughter and I are having trouble solving this equation:

-x²+ (yz – 3)²

if x=-4,y=2 and z=0 We are having difficulty with the -x² part of the equation. Thanks

Answered by Penny Nom.
4 by 4 determinants 2008-06-27
From rav:
How to solve problems of determinants which has four rows and four columns& please give me easy tips to solve permutations and combinations problems.
Answered by Harley Weston.
38-10+12divided by4multiplied by 16 2002-08-30
From Brenda:
my math question is as follows: 38-10+12divided by4multiplied by 16=?
Answered by Penny Nom.



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