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A deck that is half an ellipse 2016-02-28
From Steve:
On your website, I was reading a question and your response from a girl named Angela in which you provided a formula by which her father, a welder, could figure out points on an arc corresponding to equal 3' intervals on a 30' chord where the vertex was 1' off the chord. Is there an equivalent formula when working with an ellipse? I suspect this change will make the calculations significantly more complex. I am building a deck that is half an oval, and would like to be able to mark out the perimeter by measuring the distance from regular intervals on the primary access to a corresponding point on the perimeter. I will then connect the points on the perimeter and cut a reasonably smooth arc. The length of the primary access will be 22' and width of the deck at the vertex is 9'. I would like to be able to know the distance from the primary axis to a point on the perimeter at equal intervals of 6" along the primary axis. Can you help?
Answered by Penny Nom.



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