From Allison: It ask me to find an example of an irrational number less than -5 and I don't
understand what the difference from a rational number and an irrational
number besides the fact that a rational number can be repeated and shown in
a simple fraction and an irrational number can't be written in a simple
Can you help me? Answered by Penny Nom.
From mariana: I have read various articles on how to find the square root of irrational numbers and every article out there seems to be very confusing.
i read you answer to LUKOW about irrational numbers and i am still quite confused. Say i want to find the square root of 326. i know that it is between 18 and 19 because 18 is the square root of 324 and 19 is the square root of 361 im just very confused about the rest of the process. Please help! ( if possible i would appreciate two examples. thanks) Answered by Penny Nom.
From Will: Hi my name is Will.I have a question about the calculator TI-83 Plus or the use of a scientific calculator. It is about using them to turn a cubed root to a decimal. When using that for a rational and irrational number. Rational numbers is a number that terminates or repeates. A irrational number goes on and on and uses ... (like pie). Like when you type the cube root of 8 it gives you 2, and that is a rational number. The squre root of 2 is 1.41421356... that is irrational. So why is it when you put the cube root of 16 in the calculator it says 2.5198421 that is rational it terminates at the ninth digit and my float is set for the tenth? But why when you do it by hand you get the 2 times the cube root of 2 and that is irrational? Why is that? Answered by Judi McDonald.
From a wondering student: i am algebra II and am in the 9th grade. today we were talking about rational and irrational numbers. When we were talking about square roots my friend and i were talking and we thought of something. if you have a square with sides of length one then the diagonal of the square is the square root of 2. Now the square root of two is never supposed to end. But the diagonal of the square ends so therefore doesn't the square root of 2 end. our math teacher did not really answer our question because it was not in the lesson plan and not to many people would see where we were coming from. the answer is really bugging me and i would like to have your input. Answered by Jack LeSage and Penny Nom.
From Ri: I am trying to explain rational & irrational numbers to my niece who is grade 7 and am having difficulties. Could you please explain the difference between rational & irrational numbers.