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l'hopital's rule

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7 items are filed under this topic.
Right Sided Limit of an Exponential Function 2008-07-29
From joseph:
I am trying to find the limit as X approaches 0 from the positive side of x to the sin of x which look like this lim x^sinx x->0+
Answered by Harley Weston.
lim (1- 2 cosx) / (sin(x- pi/3)) 2007-10-15
From hanan:
lim (1- 2 cosx) / (sin(x- л/3))
Answered by Harley Weston.
L'hopital's rule 2005-05-15
From Abraham:
Find the limit of [(1/(x+4))-(1/4)]/x as x approaches zero. How do you use l"hopital's rule to find this limit. I know how to do it with multiplying everything by 4(x+4), and getting the answer, -1/16.But how do you apply derivatives with l'hopitals rule to this type of problem?
Answered by Penny.
L'Hopital's Rule 2001-11-25
From Mike:
I'm a high school senior. I'm in ap calculus and was wondering if you know the proof of L'Hopital's Rule? Our teacher said he has never been able to find it in a math book and was unable to derive it himself.
Answered by Claude Tardif.
A limit using l'hopital's rule 2000-12-13
From Wassim:
I need to know how to solve the:
limits of (x ( to the power lamda) -1 )/LAMDA when lamda tends to zero ( the answer is that the functional form is ln x) and I still don't know how using hopital rule leads to this answer.

Answered by Harley Weston.
L'Hospital's Rule 2000-07-19
From Dan Krymkowski:
The limit of the following as x goes to infinity is 2*y. Y is a constant.

lim 2*x*log(x/(x-y)) = 2*y

Answered by Harley Weston.
Advanced Calculus 1999-12-07
From Kay:
Hi, my name is Kay. Please help---these problems are driving me crazzzzy!!!! Your help would be greatly appreciated!
  1. Let a,b be contained in R, a
  2. .

Answered by Claude Tardif.



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