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3 items are filed under this topic.
Sales as a function of advertising 2010-12-08
From Adori:
The sales S(in thousands if units) of a product after x hundred dollars is spent on advertising is given by S=10(1-e^kx). Find S as a function of x if 2500 units are sold when $500 is spent on advertising.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Math in everyday life 2009-08-03
From Naveen:
Dear sir, We are advised to do a project on "Mathematical modeling to solve various problems of our everyday life/environmental related problems...... Can u plz help us by mailng some ideas, suggestion,reference to make my project successful.... Thanking you...... Waiting for your favourable reply......
Answered by Penny Nom.
Modelling monthly temperature with a cosine 2004-12-25
From Regis:
The average monthly temperature for a location in Ontario as a function of month number can be modelled using the equation y = a cos[k(t + b)] + d.
Answered by Harley Weston.



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