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7 items are filed under this topic.
Is 0.1234567891011.... periodic? 2010-02-23
From Adriana:
0.1234567891011.......Is this fraction periodic ?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A periodic function 2008-11-26
From Ali:
A periodic function f(x) has a period of 9, if(2)=-3 and f(5)=13, determine the value of f(11)?

tks /rgrds


Answered by Penny Nom.
The number of hours of daylight 2008-06-03
From Marilyn:
Hi, could you please help me with this question? In a city (in the Northern Hemisphere) the minimum number of hours of daylight is 9.6 and the maximum number is 14.4. If the 80th day of the year (March 21) has 12 hours of daylight, determine a sine function which gives the number of hours of daylight for any given day of the year. (Jan 1 = 1, Jan 2 = 2, etc). Thank you!
Answered by Harley Weston.
The swaying of a building in the wind 2007-08-11
From San:
During a strong wind, a tall builing, such as the CN Tower, can sway back and forth as much as 100cm, with a period of 10 seconds. Please help me to determine the equation for this function, in the form y=asinkx
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
The period of sin(x) + cos(x) 2005-07-21
From A student:
Answered by Penny Nom.
Finite non-periodical numbers 2001-03-27
From Wouter:
Is there anyone who knows the official name for decimal finite non-periodical numbers such as 0.4 or 0.25 as opposite of numbers like 0.3333333... or 0.28571428571428...?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Period 1999-12-28
From Mahdawi:
I have attached a diagram of the graph, and I need to find out its period. I really don't understand how to do so, please help!
Answered by Harley Weston.



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