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pond volume

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3 items are filed under this topic.
The volume of a pond 2013-08-14
From Kelly:
I have a pond that measures 335 feet wide, 385 feet long and 18 feet deep with a 4:1 slope on all four side. How do I figure out how many gallons of water this pond will hold?
Answered by Harley Weston.
The volume of a pond 2008-11-04
From Malcolm:
I am looking for a formula to find the volume of my pond. I know the average surface diameter and the average bottom arc length.(The arc from one bank through a point in the bottom and on to the surface on the other bank. I am not able to get a good measurement of the depth at this time. Can the volume be figured with the known measurements (the cord and the arc)? Thanks: MS
Answered by Harley Weston.
The volume of a triangular shaped pond 2008-04-10
From Bret:
we have a pond that is triangular shape : 130ftx130ftx150ft and is 4ft deep. How can I figure out as to how many gallons of water it will take to fill it up? Thanks for your help :)
Answered by Penny Nom.



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