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3 items are filed under this topic.
The part before the repetend 2008-11-02
From Puerto:
Hello, I teach mathematics in a bilingual programme using English. I have learned that the group of digits that repeat in a repeating decimal is called repetend but i need to know how are called the previous ones when the decimal is a delayed-repeating one. I mean, in 0.34555555 5 is the repetend, the period is one and...how are called 34? Thanks in advance.
Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.
Repeating fractions 2008-09-09
From Juli:
My teacher recently put my math class to the test... We were deiscussing repeating fractions and she asked us to find out what the bar over a repeating decimal is called. I found out it was called the vinculum. But she also said to find out what the number under the vinculum was called. I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Answered by Penny Nom.
The repetend in repeating decimals 2001-03-21
From Sharon:
What is the name for the bar over the repetend in repeating decimals? Also, what is the name of the long division "house"?
Answered by Penny Nom.



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