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Roll of film 2021-11-20
From Brian:
Trying to create a formula to calculate the build up on a roll of film is calculated. Except instead of of a roll, it's essentially a rectangle with two semicircles on each at the end. Example: I start with a 6" diameter core on each side, and I start winding .005" thick film on the core. The distance between the center of those cores, length of the inner rectangle is 7.125. If I continue to do this for a total length of film of 3000 feet, what will the roll length and width be. So what I need is the formula to perform this type of calculation. Can you help me? I want to be able to plug the formula in a spread sheet and to be able to input a core diameter, a film thickness and a total length and the length between the center of the two cores(which is the inner rectangle's length I'm assuming). Thanks
Answered by Harley Weston.



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