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significant digits

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4 items are filed under this topic.
Significant digits 2017-08-06
From Pat:
The directions for a problem are: "Solve the problem, expressing your answer using the correct number of significant figures."

Problem 0.0043 divided by 2.04
Answer before using the correct number of significant figures is 0.002107843

Is the correct number of significant figures the number below?


Answered by Penny Nom.
How many zeros? 2010-03-18
From jeff:
1 light yr is 6,500 billion miles, the galaxy "Andromeda" is 2,500,000 million light yrs, how many zeros are in this equation ?
Answered by Robert Dawson.
7,473,000,000 divided by 52000 2003-09-06
From A student:
I am having trouble with a question. 7,473,000,000 divided by 52000. Our calculater gets 147311.5385. I come up with 143711.53846, and then the number starts to repeat itself
Answered by Penny Nom.
Rounding 27.27 2002-11-03
From A parent:
If you have a problem 27.27 and you need to round to the first 7 the answer would be 27

Would 27.0 be acceptable as well or is it completely wrong.

Answered by Penny Nom.



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