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Star of Bethlehem 2006-12-05
From Stephen:
I need to construct a star for a Christmas play being done at our church. I want it to be a four-pointed star. The top and side points should be 12 inches long and the bottom point 24 inches. It will be flat on the back but raised on the front with lights inside for illumination. Each point will be made of two triangles with a ridge in the center. I would like the width of the rays at the center (widest point or center of star) to be about five inches and the center ridge at this same point to be raised about two inches from the flat back. I need to know the dimensions and angles of each of the 8 triangles that make up the star so that all of them meet properly at the center of the star so as to have the correct height from the flat back.
Answered by Penny Nom.



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