We found 110 items matching your search.
 A brief history and description of the 4-colour theorem and its proof.
AUTHOR(S): Chris Fisher
 A geometric description of the square root algorithm.
AUTHOR(S): A. Grzesina
 In this note Gregory describes a problem involving Dasher and Dancer moving around a Northern Light Circle.
AUTHOR(S): Gregory V. Akulov
 A note on the concept of variation in a data set, and a rational for using standard deviation as a measure of this variation.
AUTHOR(S): Harley Weston
 This note demonstrates a solution, using only elementary geometry, to a typical calculus max-min problem .
AUTHOR(S): Rick Seaman
 A diamond slope, or the slope of the angle bisector, is considered in this note as a generalization of two well-known slope relationships. This general approach is compared then with well-known approaches using various examples.
AUTHOR(S): Gregory V. Akulov
 An example of a problem in algebra or trigonometry that is motivated by an exercise with a graphing calculator. The graph leads to an exercise with a trigonometric identity.
AUTHOR(S): Rick Seaman
 Aboriginal Perspectives is a companion web site to Math Central. It is part of Mathematics with a Human Face. The purpose is to create and make available lesson ideas for teachers, constructed around video clips with an Aboriginal focus. The site is under construction and in its infancy but the intent is that the number of video clips will increase and the lessons will span all areas of the curriculum.
Proceed to Aboriginal Perspectives.
AUTHOR(S): Faculty and Students at the University of Regina
 Karen designed this website to assist teachers and pre-service teachers in the area of mathematics from Kindergarten to Grade 12 . Here you will find a multitude of teacher resources to assist you in incorporating Aboriginal content in your mathematics program.
AUTHOR(S): Karen Arnason
 This unit was developed for the beginning secondary level and gives students a chance to both learn valuable mathmatics skills and to become aware of the impact gambling has on our society. The unit provides objectives, evalution ideas and suggested activities for students. Also listed are resource materials that can be used with this unit.
AUTHOR(S): Murray Sanders and Eric Hamm
 This resource contains instructions on building a uniform polyhedra "star ball" from modules of folded paper. Animation is used to illustrate the folding of the paper. Students are then challenged to construct other uniform polyhedra from the same modules and to discover how they can be "coloured" by using coloured paper. The construction should be possible for beginning middle year students and some of the questions challenging to students at the upper secondary level.
AUTHOR(S): Stacey Wagner and Jason Stein
 In this note the authors give an expression for locating the midpoint of a circular arc and a calculator for determining the midpoint.
AUTHOR(S): Gregory V. Akulov and Oleksandr (Alex) G. Akulov
 In this note the authors give an proof of the expression for locating the midpoint of a circular arc that was given in his note with Gregory V. Akulov.
AUTHOR(S): Oleksandr (Alex) G. Akulov
 Some main concepts discussed in this Stewart Resource unit are properties of polygons, Pythagorean Theorem and Trionometric Ratios. There are five main sections each with corresponding activities. Activites include sections on Objectives, Background Knowledge, Time frame,Iinstructional Methods, Aadaptive Dimension and Assessment.
AUTHOR(S): Keith Seidler and Romesh Kachroo
 This note is a response to a question sent to Quandaries and Queries by Ben Dixon asking how to approximate pi. Chris wrote a nice description of the method used by Archimedes in approximately 250 BC.
AUTHOR(S): Chris Fisher