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10^1,000,000 2020-12-18
From G:
Looking for the name of a really big number. its a 1. with a Million zeroes after it.
Answered by Harley Weston.
0^(a+bi) 2020-12-03
From Douglas:
I realize raising 0^a = 0 if a>0 and undefined if a<=0.

If have read that 0^bi is undefined for all b.

What I don't understand is why 0^(a+bi) = 0 if a and b are not equal to zero.

Is this purely by definition or is there a logical reason why this is the case?
(I have taken Complex Analysis, so have a fairly good understanding of complex numbers.)

Answered by Penny Nom.
Comparing two job offers 2020-11-17
From Selena:
Raja has been offered two jobs.
Each of these jobs takes 24 weeks to complete.
One job pays $3440 every 8 weeks. The other job pays $2700 every 6 weeks. Raja wants to accept the job that pays more per week.
Show how to use equations to help Raja make her choice.

Answered by Penny Nom.
The distance between opposite vertices in an octagon 2020-11-14
From joe:
If the dimension from one flat part of an octagon to opposite flat is 500 mm what is the largest diameter (point to point) of the octagon?
Answered by Harley Weston.
Golf for 28 golfers over 4 days 2020-11-14
From David:
hi, I was wondering if you could help me with a golf draw, I have 28 players and wish to play a four round foursomes over 4 days
I would like to minimize the amount of games that they play together.

Answered by Harley Weston.
Divisibility by 8 2020-11-10
From Sariyah:
Of the positive integers between 1000 and 10000 that are divisible by 8, how many have a 5 in the hundreds place?
Answered by Harley Weston.
The dimensions of a rectangle 2020-11-02
From Chie:
A rectangular piece of property has an area of 987mē and a perimeter of 136m. Find its LENGTH and WIDTH.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Running around a circular track 2020-10-31
From kaylee:
Keiko and Kendra are training for an international track competition. Kendra is running one lap on the outside of a circular track with a diameter of 1000 feet. Her constant rate of speed is 12 mi/h. Keiko is running one lap on the outside of a nearby circular track with a diameter of 1125 feet. She is also running at 12 mi/h. Find the time, in minutes, each runner needs to complete one lap.
Answered by Harley Weston.
Equivalent fractions 2020-10-31
From Lexi:
Which of the following fractions is equivalent to -84 / -90?
A. -14 / 15
B. -42 / 45
C. 14 / 15
D. 42 / 45

Answered by Penny Nom.
An analytic proof that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram 2020-10-26
From Apollo:
Prove analytically that if ABCD is a parallelogram in which points P and Q trisects the diagonal AC, then BPDQ is a parallelogram.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Two equations with fractions 2020-10-22
From mia:
I am supposed to look for x and y. my teacher didn't explain very well.
please help : ((
2x - y = 5
x/4 + y/3= 2

Answered by Penny Nom.
2xy = 2x*2y 2020-10-22
From Amber:
Um i am wondering what this equation equals. Thank you for your time and help.


Answered by Penny Nom.
Solving an inequality 2020-10-18
From nunya:
3(4 + 2n) > 2n - 16
Answered by Penny Nom.
A word problem with three variables 2020-10-18
From Yesenia:
Carmen, Austin, and Trey have a total of $128 in their wallets. Trey has $10 more than Carmen. Austin has 4 times what Trey has. How much do they have in their wallets?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A confusing problem 2020-10-01
From Kgaugelo:
a triangle has the vertices A(-4;-3),B(x;y)and C(2;1). Determine the coordinates of B if the equation of the line BC is y=5x-9
Answered by Harley Weston.



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