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Spins of a roulette wheel 2001-03-02
From Bob:
Here's a problem I'm working on myself.....If you look at six consecutive spins of a roulette wheel, how many combinations of red and black are possible? I.E. BRRBRB, BBBBBR, BBRRRB......ETC.....
Answered by Claude Tardif.
How tall is the tree? 2001-03-02
From Ronda:
a tree's shadow is 42 ft. long. There is a stop sign that is right next to it and it is 18 ft. tall and it's shadow is 12 ft. long. How tall is the tree?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Is there an odd and even function? 2001-03-02
From Saima:
Is there a function that is both even and odd at the same time? In other words, is there a function that can pass the y-axis, x-axis, and origin symmetry test?
Answered by Claude Tardif and Penny Nom.
P vs NP problem 2001-03-01
From Roy:
What math journals would publish a proposed solution to the P vs NP problem when the work has been done by an amateur mathematician who has no degree in math?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Converting percents to decimals 2001-03-01
From Elliot:
My math question is about Converting Percents to Decimals, here it is-

Convert 37 1/2 = ?

Answered by Penny Nom.
The price of a carpet 2001-03-01
From Amber:
i have to calculate the square footage of carpet for me room and im not quite sure how to do that. the carpet is $2.08 per sq. ft. and my room is 12x11ft.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Solve for the variable 2001-02-28
From Ashley:
I've got 2 questions. We (my dad and I) can not figure them out. please help me.
  1. 21 = 9 - 2 (4a + 2) and I am supposed to find out what the variable is.

  2. 2/3 n + 3/8 n = 15/16 (those are fractions). Again, I need to find out what the variable is.

Answered by Penny Nom.
Fibonacci 2001-02-28
From Shona:
We have been doing pattern finding with him, talking to a friend he mentioned the "Fibbinacci Series" ?, while I have tried to find a bit about it, how works etc.. what it is about, I have not really found out much, what I have I feel is way beyond him, but am still curious to know the basics of it myself. Would you be able to tell me in laymans language. Would be very much appreciated.
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Three sheep 2001-02-28
From A student:
A farm sold three sheep. the weight of the three sheep combine wae 152 lbs. The smallest sheep weighted 7 lbs less than the middle size sheep. The largest sheep weighted three times the smallest sheep. what is the weight of each sheep?
Answered by Penny Nom.
T-numbers an T-totals 2001-02-27
From Mr. M. Wiseman:
Investigate the relationship between the T-total and the T-number.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Lotto 6-49 2001-02-27
From A student:
I am a secondary student and I was wondering if there was a better way to find out how many combinations and what they are in the lotto 6/49 than writing them out on a piece of paper. Any help you can provide me with would be greatly appreciated.
Answered by Penny Mon.
The n-th place of pi 2001-02-27
From Andrew:
I have always wondered; is it possible to find the value of an irrational number, such as (phi) at it's nth decimal place???

You would plug the decimal place into the formula and the value would be given at the specified decimal place.

When we look at the expression { (sqr 5 + 1)/2 } we are in a sense visualising the number in it's entirety, so the formula may include elements of the above expression in some form.
Answered by Claude Tardif.

Domain and Range and Zeros 2001-02-27
From Beth:
1. f(x)=15-2x-x2

2. g(t)=square root of 4-t2

3. y=t-3/t2-t-6

Answered by Penny Nom.
MIRA 2001-02-27
From Constantinos:
What is a "mira," and how is it used in terms of topology (in geometry)? If you can answer my question, and even refer me to online or other resources to find out more, I would greatly appreciate it.
Answered by Walter Whiteley.
Solides 2001-02-26
From Joanie:
J'ai présentement un projet à faire, je dois le remettre avant vendredi.

Je dois trouver entre 31 ou 35 solides: prismes et pyramides

J'ai a donner : le nom de chaque solide; son dessin; et le dessin de chaque solide décomposé en toute ses parties.

Answered by Claude Tardif.



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