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Factoring 2004-07-19
From A student:
Factor completely:
3x3 - 24y3
54x6 + 16y3
16xy - 4x - 4y - 1
0.09x2 - 0.16y2

Answered by Penny Nom.
Solving some quadratic equations 2004-07-15
From A student:
Could you please solve the following for x


Answered by Penny Nom.
Factoring integers 2004-07-02
From A student:
After looking at all the info I could get about NFS, I still have some questions that are unsolved:

First of all: If someone found an algorithm that has a worst case running time of N*Log(N) to factor an integer n into his divisors, would it be quicker or slower then the number field sieve algorithm?

secondly, what exactly is the time complexity of the Number Field Sieve algorithm, if I would factor an integer n?

Answered by Claude Tardif.
Factoring 2004-04-27
From Bipin:

a to the power of 6 + b to the power of 6

Answered by Penny Nom.
Some factoring problems 2004-04-15
From KJ:

Factor these:
x3+125 -----> (x+5)3
8x3-27 -----> (?)
x2+36 -----> (x+6)2
x4-5x2+4 --> (?)

Answered by Penny Nom.
Factoring x^2 + 5x + 4 2004-03-14
From Keenan:
how do I factor x^+5X+4?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Factoring expressions 2004-01-03
From A student:

I'm having trouble factoring expressions that aren't monic. I can do things like x2-9x+8, but problems like 12x2+5x-3 have me stumped.

I also have a question about factoring out common factors. In a problem like x2-18x+81, wouldn't you divide by 9? But what happens to the x2, is it x2/9?
Answered by Penny Nom.

Factoring in 2003-12-16
From Priscilla:
How can you use solving by factoring in real life applications?
Answered by Harley Weston.
Factoring 2003-02-04
From Marcin:
I am having a really hard time with the factor theorem. Can you please help me with the following? (a'3 means a to the exponent 3)


Answered by Penny Nom.
Factoring a trinomial 2003-01-26
From A student:
how do you factor: Xsquared + 8x + 12
Answered by Penny Nom.
Factoring 2002-12-11
From Larry:

how do u factor trinonmials

EX: X 3 + Y 3

X 3 - 8Y 3

8X 2 - 72

64A 3 - 125B 6

Answered by Penny Nom.
Factoring a cubic 2002-12-05
From Dorota:
I got a problem with factorise the expression

Answered by Penny Nom.
24x^4 + 3x 2002-03-18
From gary:
24x 4 + 3x
Answered by Penny Nom.
4x(2x-1)+(2x-1)2 2001-09-17
From Nick:
how do u solve 4x(2x-1)+(2x-1)2
Answered by Penny Nom.
A factoring problem 2001-06-14
From A student:
What is the factoring of x squared -7+6 equal
Answered by Penny Nom.



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