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exponential notation

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3 items are filed under this topic.
Power notation 2020-04-26
From Aditi:
The power notation of -1 / 128
Answered by Penny Nom.
Exponential notation 2014-11-27
From Jaqui:
May sound super easy, but how would you SHOW that you simplified 3x3 to the power of 2 (the little 2)?

thank you!


Answered by Penny Nom.
Exponential notation 2002-10-19
From Ivy:
I understand how to figure out for example 4 to the power of 3,what I don't understand is how to figure it out using both negative numbers and negative exponents,as an exaple -4 to the power of 6 and what makes this different that (-5) to the power of 7,please help me if you can.I am an adult taking correspondence and finding it quite frustrating.
Answered by Penny Nom.



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