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A range hood 2017-12-04
From Chuck:
I'm building a custom range hood and can't seem to get the angles correct where the front and side panels intersect.
I saw a similar post but there's no way I can do the calculations for a Wolfram Alpha!

Here are the dimensions that I have (in inches)...

Base - Front 29 7/16" x side 19 3/16"
Top - Front 10" x side 9"
Front Panel Length (from base to top on an angle) 21"
Side Panel Length (from base to top on an angle) - 17 9/16" Vertical distance from the base to the top 14 1/4 inches.

Any help finding the bevel/miter of the two front corners where the sides meet the front panel would be greatly appreciated.

I will need the angle for the saw in degrees.

Thank you in advance!

Regards, Chuck

Answered by Harley Weston.
Building a custom range hood 2011-10-08
From Bill:
I'm building a custom range hood for a customer with special order material that matches their newly installed cabinets and I need it to be perfect. The hood is basically a pyramid but the 4th side is the flat wall at the back and a flat, rectangular top. I need to calculate the bevel and miter of the three sides but I never was very good with geometry functions (although I am fairly good with other math fields). I either need the calculations from you at least (shudder) a formula or set of formulas so that I can calculate them myself.
Answered by Harley Weston.



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