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The slope of a line 2007-09-06
From Danielle:
Hello. I need some help with this: i am supposed to find the equation of a line with a point (2/3,5) and (-5/6,-4) the answer in the book says y=6x+1. My question is how did they get for the slope?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A sequence 2007-09-06
From aimee:
i have the sequence 1,5,14,30,55 and i have been told to use An squared times Bn times C and my working should look like this

1 5 14 30 55
      4 9 16 25
         5 7 9
            2 2

But how do i do this
Answered by Penny Nom.

Perpendicular lines 2007-09-06
From dinesh:
we know that for two perpendicular lines m1*m2=-1perpendicular but this is not true for x-axis and y-axis?
Answered by Harley Weston.
2x+1+x-4+4x+1 2007-09-06
From laurie:
Answered by Penny Nom.
Why does an odd + odd = an even? 2007-09-06
From austin:
why does an odd + odd = an even?
Answered by Penny Nom.
0.24 1/2 2007-09-06
From Kenneth:
The fraction, 1/2, in 0.24 1/2 occupies the 1/100 place along with the 4.
If the fraction, 1/2, is changed to a decimal, as in 0.245, the last 5 in 0.245 occupies the 1/1000 place.
Why doesn't the 1/2 in the decimal 0.24 1/2 occupy the 1/1000 place (0.001) instead of the 1/100 place?

Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Is x/y + y/x = 2 a function? 2007-09-06
From Farzan:
Is x/y + y/x = 2 a function or not.
Answered by Penny Nom and Stephen La Rocque.
How many two digit numbers contain at least one 7? 2007-09-06
From Janet:
How many two digit numbers contain at least one number seven?
Answered by Penny Nom.
13 = x/20 2007-09-06
From Melissa:
can u please help me with this question?
13 = x/20

Answered by Penny Nom.
Quotient of proper fractions 2007-09-06
From Tim:
The question asks me to find a counter example for: the quotient of 2 proper fractions is a proper fraction
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Prime factors in exponential form 2007-09-06
From Michelle:
how would you write this: factor 48 as a product of primes written in exponential form
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Liquid in a pipe 2007-09-05
From christian:
how many cubic feet are in a pipe that is 3" (inside diameter) and 459 feet long?
Answered by Stephen la Rocque.
A sequence of fractions 2007-09-05
From Arjun:
1/2 3/5 5/8 7/11- need to find the nth term.

I did search the data base & found one for fractions but what I want to know is when calculating nth term for the denominator in the example give in your database how do we get (n-1)? When we deduct the actual term with the one that is in the table give in your example it is more that one. Could you please explain solving the above example?

Answered by Penny Nom.
Exponential form 2007-09-05
From jeanette:
the African bush elephant is the largest animal and weighs 8 tons. write this amount in exponential form.
Answered by Stephen la Rocque and Penny Nom.
Standard deviation 2007-09-05
From Ethan:
Okay I have a question about standard deviation. Can you tell me a five number set of data that will have a standard deviation f zero and how you know that?
Answered by Stephen la Rocque.



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