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2^(2^1954) est-il premier? 2005-10-04
From Un eleve:
2(21945)+1 est-il premier?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
A combination lock 2005-10-03
From A bicycle owner:
What are the number of permutations (Combinations?) of a combination lock of a cylinder with four separate movable rings. Each ring has the numbers from one to six (six "permutations" per ring).

This is a bicycle lock.

I was told that it is 62 (6x6x6x6) = 1296.

Is this correct?.

Answered by Penny Nom.
3z-5+2z=25-5z 2005-10-02
From Davis:
Answered by Penny Nom.
Prove that a rhombus' diagonals are perpendicular 2005-10-02
From Tania:
How do you prove that a rhombus' diagonals are perpendicular using the 2 column proof method?
Answered by Walter Whiteley.
Inches and millimeters 2005-09-30
From A student:
how many inches are there in mm? For example 30x40 mm = how many inches.
Answered by Penny Nom.
6 trillion x 50 million 2005-09-30
From Roly:
There is a realm of the richest galaxies in the in the night sky. They are 50 million light years away. That is 6 trillion x 50 million???. What math equivalent is that?
Answered by Penny.
Two groups that have equal sums 2005-09-30
From Anita:
using the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,and 8. how do we divide them into two groups so that they have equal sums?
Answered by Penny.
Partages inégaux 2005-09-29
From Un eleve:
Alex et julie ont ensemble 4728 .- euro Si Alex donne 538.- euro à Julie, ce dernier aurait alors le triple de Julie. Quelle est la somme possédée de chacun?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Calculer la clé 2005-09-29
From Un eleve:
Chaque individu a un numéro INSEE de 13 chiffres auquels est adjointe une clé de deux chiffres. voici comment est calculée cette clé :
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Calcul dun profil fictif 2005-09-29
From Mr madry loïc:
je suis actuellement en formation pour devenir dessinateur projeteur en BTP ; je rencontre un problème vis à vis d'une égalité qui normalement devrait mettre acquise ( elle doit être issue de thalès ou de l'égalité des proportion ?) cependant, je n'arrive pas trouver le fondement de cette égalité. pourriez vous m'aider à éclaircir cette relation fondamentale afin de poursuivre mon étude sur le calcul de profil en travers (pour les travaux publics) .
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Open dots and closed dots 2005-09-29
From Cynthia:
When graphing the solutions of an inequality, what is the difference between an open dot and a closed dot?
Answered by Penny.
exercice! 2005-09-28
From Un eleve:
soit x et y deux nomres réels telque:
1 ≤ x2-x*y+y2 ≤ 2
1) Montrer que: 2/9 ≤ x4+y4 ≤ 8
2) Montrer que: x2*n+y2*n ≥ 2/32*n telque n est un nombre entier naturel et n≥3.

Answered by Chris Fisher.
The length of a circle's chord 2005-09-28
From A homebuilder:
find the length of a circle's chord with a known arc length and radius/diameter lengths.
Answered by Penny Nom.
A multiple-choice and true-false exam 2005-09-28
From Kiat:

Harry, Neville, Ron, Hermione and Malfoy each answered five questions on O.W.L. exam consisting of two multiple-choice questions (A, B or C) and three True-False questions. They answered the questions as follows:

Student Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
Harry A A T T T
Neville B B T F T
Ron A B T T F
Hermione B C T T F
Malfoy C A F T T

If no two students got the same number of correct answers, who got the most correct answers? And what is the correct answer for each question?

Answered by Denis Hanson.
How to add three addends 2005-09-28
From Patricia:

explaination of how to add three addends if you use a double to add or if you use a sum of 10


Answered by Baul Betts and Penny Nom.



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