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What is the number? 2005-10-10
From Jess:
One eighth of the square root of 7 less than a number is 2. What is the number?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Whole numbers 2005-10-10
From Kirk:
Can the sum of two or more whole numbers be less than any of those numbers?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The game of 24 2005-10-10
From Kim and Chris:
My 4th grade son came home with a math game called 24 game. In it each card has 4 numbers on it. Each number can only be used once, in any order, using multiplication, subtraction, division, or addition. We are stuck on one and wondered if you could help. The four numbers are: 9, 9, 9, 9. And they must equal 24. Any clues?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Four digit numbers 2005-10-09
From David:
I had a discussion with my father about how many four digit numbers you can make with 0-9. He was saying that there is 12,000 and that seems quite high for me. But can you tell me how many there are, and what exactly are they?
Answered by Penny Nom.
There are 28 boys and girls in a class.... 2005-10-09
From Clement:
There are 28 boys and girls in a class. Each boy collects 10 stamps and each girl collects 9 stamps. The boys have 90 stamps more than the girls. How many boy and how many girls are there?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Inches and millimeters 2005-10-08
From Ron:
You know they say 14mm = 9/16" or something of that nature, i need to know exactly how this is done.
Answered by Chris Fisher.
Constructing a quadrilateral 2005-10-07
From Jayasri:

Can we construct a unique quadrilateral with the following information:

The lenghts of all the sides of a quadrilateral are known.

The angle between one of the sides and the X-axis is known.

Answered by Chris Fisher.
The remainder theorem 2005-10-07
From Ron:
If f(x) is divided by (x-3), the remainder is 5, and if it is divided by (x+1), the remainder is -3. Find the remainder when f(x)is divided by (x-3)(x+1).
Answered by Chris Fisher.
An odd number of factors 2005-10-06
From Ramneek:
What is the common name used for numbers that have an odd number of factors?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Coefficients, constants and like terms 2005-10-05
From Elizabeth:
In the equation -8y+6ab+7-3ab what are the coefficients; the like terms and constants?
Answered by Penny.
Three digit numbers 2005-10-04
From Jordan:
i need to know how many 3 digit numbers there are
Answered by Penny Nom.
What is the unit's digit? 2005-10-04
From Alex:

Question: What is the unit's digit of the following problem?

3155 + 7412 (3 to the 155th power + 7 to the 412th power.)

Answered by Penny Nom.
City A is 30 miles directly north of City C 2005-10-04
From A student:
City A is 30 miles directly north of City C, and City B is 40 miles directly east of City C. Cities A and B are connected by a straight road. Find the length of the shortest path from City C to the road that connects A and B.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Area of an octagon 2005-10-04
From AJ:
I am working a project for my shop class and need to know the square footage for an octagon with equal 10foot sides.
Answered by Penny Nom.
The range of a data set 2005-10-04
From Carmen:
What is the range of this data? 36,64,37,45,53,60.
Answered by Penny Nom.



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