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A piecewise function 2005-09-15
From Duncan:
A child is assigned to your care and she has a headache. The parent has authorized the administration of Children's Tylenol. Read a box of Children's Tylenol (or any other similar drug) and find the directions for administration. Note the child's weight and the corresponding dosage. (Be sure the drug you choose has a minimum of 4 weight intervals.)
Answered by Penny Nom.
What is 2,500 X 6 trillion miles? 2005-09-15
From Roly:
ANDROMEDA Galaxy is 2,500 light years away. A light year is 6 trillion miles. What is 2,500 X 6 trillion miles in a mathematical number?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A rational arithmetic expression 2005-09-14
From Vijay:
How to simplify following Grade 9 math problem:

(4/-9) X (-21/-32) X (-3/14)

Answered by Penny Nom.
Who is taller: John or Mary? 2005-09-14
From Ulises:
All the students in a school are arranged in a rectangular array. After that, the tallest student in each row was chosen, and then among these John Smith happened to be the shortest.Then, in each column, the shortest student was chosen, and Mary Brown was the tallest of these. Who is taller: John or Mary?
Answered by Penny Nom and Claude Tardif.
What is 3% OF $200.00? 2005-09-14
From Glenda:
What is 3% of $200.00?
Answered by Penny Nom.
How do you differentiate y=(x)^(x^x)? 2005-09-14
From Calebius:
How do you differentiate y=(x)(xx)?
Answered by Penny Nom.
What is the ones digit of 3 to the 79 power? 2005-09-14
From Candice:
What is the ones digit of 3 to the 79 power?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Whats the value of the digit 7 in 756,809? 2005-09-14
From Anastasia:
Whats the value of the digit 7 in 756,809?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Equivalent fractions 2005-09-13
From Cindy:

I am a parent and aunt of a 5th grader.

My nephew has asked me what the equivalent decimal is of 0.4. Does he change it to a fraction or just add a zero either before or after?

Answered by Chris Fisher and Harley Weston.
Painting a pyramid 2005-09-13
From Cindi:
The base of the pyramid is 100 blocks by 100 blocks; each successive layer is one less block wide and deep until the top layer which is simply one block. Each block is 97 cm wide by 97 cm deep by 63 cm tall. If one liter of paint can coat exactly three square meters how many liters are required to coat the entire exposed surface of the pyramid? Round up to the nearest liter.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Finding the nth term 2005-09-12
From Paul:

Hi , Im having a problem helping my daughter to find the Nth Term in the following sequences.

1/3 1/2 3/5 2/3


1 3 6 10

Answered by Penny Nom.
A two digit prime 2005-09-12
From A student:
The units digit of a two-digit prime number is not greater than the tens digit by 3.If the positions of the two digits are interchanged, then the new number formed is greater than the original number by more than 18. Find the value of the original prime number.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Volume of a tank 2005-09-11
From Jim:
We own an Rv and need to actually know the volume of our fresh water tank. I think I'm getting the run around from the manufacturer. I'm unable to locate my chemistry books from from collage. I know there is a formula for the volume of a rectangle some place.
Answered by Penny Nom.
A 30-60-90 triangle 2005-09-11
From Gary:
I have the length of only 1 side of triangle with angles of 30-60-90 degrees. How can I find the length of the other 2 sides?
Answered by Penny Nom.
One square mile 2005-09-11
From Rudy:
I know that there are 27,878,400 sq ft in a square mile and that there are 640 acres in a sq mile. But how do I figure out the measurement of each acre. If I could make every acre a square what would it's measurement be?
Answered by Penny Nom.



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