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Cows, chickens and pigs 2005-09-10
From Markequetta:
I was asked a question by a friend who refuses to give the right answer to a question that I answered wrong. So if you can help me that would be great! The level of my question is secondary I believe.


Cows cost: $10
Chickens cost: $0.50
Pigs cost: $3

You have to buy 100 animals and spend $100, so how many cows, chickens, and pigs do you have on your farm?

Answered by Claude Tardif.
Cubic yards of topsoil 2005-09-08
From Ken:
How many cubic yards of topsoil would there be on 100 acres of land if you averaged a 2' depth of material.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Problème avec rapport point, prix... 2005-09-08
From Nico:

Le prix d'un diamant est proportionnel au carré de son poinds. Un diamant de 0.45 g vaut 7500euros.

1. Combie coute un diamant de 0.693 g ?

2. Quel est le poids d'une diamant valant 45000 euros ?

Je vous demande pas de le raisoudre à ma place mais j'aimeré comprendre comment je peut calculé le rapport entre le point et le prix.

Answered by Claude Tardif.
The length of a chord 2005-09-08
From A student:
how do you find the length of a chord given the angle and radius of the circle
Answered by Penny Nom.
n^2+n-1 has no divisors ending with 3 or 7 2005-09-08
From Arne:
at least it seems like for any integers n and k,
10k+3 and 10k+7 do not divide n²+n-1
I tested this for every n from 0 to 3200 (which means same for the numbers from -3201 to -1)
could this be true, or is it just coincidence, or am I just totally wrong?

Answered by Richard McIntosh.
Le prix d'un diamant est proportionnel au carré de son poinds 2005-09-07
From Nico:

Le prix d'un diamant est proportionnel au carré de son poinds. Un diamant de 0.45 g vaut 7500euros.

1. Combie coute un diamant de 0.693 g ?

2. Quel est le poids d'une diamant valant 45000 euros ?

Je vous demande pas de le raisoudre à ma place mais j'aimeré comprendre comment je peut calculé le rapport entre le point et le prix.

Answered by Claude Tardif.
Given only the length of an arc & the length of its chord find the radius? 2005-09-07
From Robert:
Given only the length of an arc (72) & the length of its cord (71), how to find the radius?
Answered by Penny Nom.
quel sont les plus grands diviseurs communs? 2005-09-07
From Sylvain:
quel sont les plus grands diviseurs communs?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
A quadratic 2005-09-06
From Ginger:
I took a pre alg test today. There was a question on it that I am not sure and is bothering me. Can you tell me the answer?

x square + 13 + 14

Factor this

Answered by Penny Nom.
Exposant 2005-09-06
From Enzo:
Puis-je savoir combien donne 2 exposant 100 ? et 9 exposant 3012 ?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
x = (y^2 - b^2)/2b 2005-09-04
From Bob:
while looking at x=(y2-b2)/2b on a table I was preparing for a graph, I saw that there is a point where x and y get closer to each other's value. By trial and error I tried to find the point where x=y. I saw a number which looked familiar and I realized it was the square root of 2. and so, if y=b(1+square root of 2) then x=b(1+square root of 2) also, or as x=y.
My question is: How can this result x=y when y=b(1+square root of 2) be algebraically derived from the equation x=(y2-b2)/2b without pre knowing it is so?

Answered by Penny Nom.
Seven consecutive reds in roulette 2005-09-04
From Joe:
I know that the odds are a little less than 50% for either black or red comming up on a spin of the roullette wheel. My question is what are the odds of red or black comming up 7 times in a row?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Adding positive and negative numbers 2005-09-03
From Billy:
46 + -24 =
-38 + -22 =
19 - 20 =

Answered by Penny Nom.
A room with a spa 2005-09-02
From Stanley:
I have a room that is 12 x 16 feet with an 8 foot diameter hole (spa) in it. How many square feet are in this room?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A system of equations 2005-09-02
From Gina:
How do you interpret the solution of a system of equations by the corresponding graph? Demonstrate your answer by the use of an example.
Answered by Penny Nom.



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