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A schedule for 6 teams 2004-09-10
From Greg:
I have a schedule I need to make of 6 teams. They must play each other once however no team can be the away team twice in a row. There must be 3 home games and 3 away games for each team.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Un problème de math 2004-09-10
From Sophie:
(V est en fait le signe de la racine carrée)

(3 / V27) x ( V75 ) = ???

Answered by Claude Tardif.
105.6 is a discount of 12% from x 2004-09-10
From David:
If I know that 105.6 is a discount of 12% from x, how do I find x??
Answered by Penny Nom.
1+3+5+...+(2n+1) 2004-09-10
From Emma:
Prove that 1+3+5+...+(2n+1)= (n+1)2
Answered by Penny Nom.
Safe cracker 2004-09-09
From Adam:

Franklin's friend had taken an item from him, and put it in his family's safe, when franklin went to retrieve it he came to a combination lock on the safe, with the dial numbers going from 0 to 59. Unfortunately, he wasn't sure whether there were three or four numbers in the combination, or even which direction to turn the wheel

If it takes him 15 seconds to try a single combination, how many days will it take him to to try every possible combination? Please round to the nearest day.
Answered by Penny Nom.

The 24 game 2004-09-09
From Erik:
Ive spent around 40 hours on this one problem. I need help. 3,3,7,7
Answered by Claide Tardif.
A travelling salesman 2004-09-09
From Liz:
A salesman traveled due west from city A to city B. The distance he traveled, that is the ditance from A to B, was X miles. He returned from B to A and found that he had traveled half the distance, X/2 miles. How can that be?
Answered by Chris Fisher and Penny Nom.
Crossing a river 2004-09-09
From Barb:
Nine men and two boys, trekking through the jungle, need to cross a river. They have a small inflatable boat and it's easy enough to row it across the river. The boat, however, can hold no more than one man or the two boys. How can they all get across? (Hint. suppose there was only one man and two boys) Does it make math sense and what would the answer be
Answered by Penny Nom and Claude Tardif.
An inverse 2004-09-09
From Hillary:
I cannot figure out the inverse of this function.
f(x)= 1/2x -1

Answered by Penny Nom.
Half way between 2004-09-08
From Ben:
Find the number halfway between the number shown


Answered by Penny Nom.
The nth term 2004-09-08
From Alex:
What is the nth term?... Like what is it?, How do I find it?, and how exactly is used?...
Answered by Penny Nom.
d varies inversely with g 2004-09-07
From Ashlyn:
d varies inversely with g when d=-8 and g=2 a. write d as a function of g using function notation. b. find d(10).
Answered by Penny Nom.
Constructing a cone 2004-09-07
From Steve:
I am trying to build crayfish traps; one of the components is a cone shaped entry section.

The cone I want to make would be 12" in diameter at the base and 12" in height, from base to peak.

I need a formula to calculate the dimensions and a method of transferring the shape onto a flat piece of material.
Answered by Harley Weston.

The intersection of planes 2004-09-07
From Joshua:
I was wondering about the intersection of planes. Can planes intersect?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The bar over repeating digits. 2004-09-07
From Debbie:
I would like to know the name given to the bar that is written over the repeating digits of a decimal.
Answered by Penny Nom.



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