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The surface area of a pyramid 2004-06-19
From Jason:
I was wondering how to find the area of a pyramid when you donít know the height of the face but the height of the Pyramids highest point?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Forty balls are placed in a bag 2004-06-19
From Sheila:
Forty balls numbered 1-10 are placed in a bag and four are drawn at random. What is the probability that the first ball drawn is between 1-10 (inclusive) the second is between 11-20, the third is between 21-30 and the last is between 31-40?
Answered by Penny Nom.
3+4i abd |3+4i| 2004-06-17
From Sandy:
how would you do a question like |3+4i|? is that different than just doing 3+4i?
Answered by Penny Nom.
An equation with rational terms 2004-06-17
From Louise:
simplify the expression (a2+n2)/2n = a2 + (a2-n2)/2n
Answered by Penny Nom.
Area of a lot 2004-06-17
From Mike:
Could you please figure out the square footage and acreage of my lot? One side is 228 feet, another is 150 feet, another is 80 feet, and the last side is 164 feet. My house is in the middle and it is 62 feet by 37 feet. Is that subtracted from the total? I would like to know this when I have to buy fertilizer.
Answered by Penny Nom.
A garden space 2004-06-16
From Carol:
We have a 17' x 19' garden space. If we want it a foot high raised bed, how many cubic yards of topsoil do we need?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The height of a building 2004-06-16
From Lauren:
I have a homework assignment to measure a building on my school's campus. I have to stand at least 40 ft away from the building and find the angle of elevation from my feet to the top of the building. Then I have to walk at least 40 ft form that point, record the distance as X, and find the angle of elevation from my feet to the top of the building. Using X and the angles, I have to determine the height of the building. I used a protractor and a weighted string to find the angle of elevation from my eyes to the top of the building. But I haven't been able to find the way to measure the angle of elevation from my feet to the top.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Solving an equation 2004-06-14
From Anthony:
I was hoping that you could help me with this problem. I believe that this is a high school level problem but as an adult who has forgotten the "rules", I am stuck.

the equation is this: x=t2/(t1-t2)

we know that x=5.73

we must solve for t2

Answered by Penny Nom.
The Number of the Beast 2004-06-13
From A Heinlein reader:
Most people who have an interest in mathmatics are familiar with Robert Heinlein's novel "The Number of the Beast", where 666, or ((6 to the 6th power) to the 6th power) equals 1.0315 times 10 to the 28th power, which in the novel is the number of parallel universes in the cosmos. My question is what would the number of parallel universes be if you grouped 666 the other way: (6 to the power of (6 to 6th power)). I have tried this on my calculator, but it won"t register that high.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Integers 2004-06-10
From A parent:
I have an odd 3 digit product. My factors are a 1-digit number and either or 2- or 3-digit number. My factors are odd, but neither is 1. Find my factors and my product.
There is one answer. What is it?

Answered by Penny Nom.
Choosing an investment 2004-06-09
From Max:
Let's say I have a list of different possible investements, and the list shows me my cost, and how much each investment will sell for.

In order to compare the investments and put them in order of relative profitability, I would want to sort them by their profits as percentages of what? Also, if each investment had an equal probability

of losing exactly 10% of the sell price before I sold would that have any relevance to the way I would calculate it?

Answered by Walter Whiteley.
Jack's social security number 2004-06-08
From A student:
Jack's social security number contains each of the nonzero digits exactly once. By examining the digits from left to right, he also found that 1 divides the first digit evenly, 2 divides the sum of the first two digirs evenly, 3 divides the sum of the first three digits evenly, and so on, until 9 divides the sum of all the digits evenly. What is Jack's social security number?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The sum of some positive integers 2004-06-07
From A student:
Find the sum of all positive integers not greater than 10000 that are divisible by neither 3 nor 7.
Answered by Penny Nom.
What is the name of a 3D rectangle? 2004-06-07
From Jack:
if a cube is a 3D square, what is the name of a 3D rectangle?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The area of a pentagon 2004-06-06
From Dana:

one side is 280',from both ends of the 280 'section,we have 300' lengths,from one of these 300' sections we have a 118' length,which goes over to a length of 228',will this be enough info. or should i provide more. thanks

Answered by Penny Nom.



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