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Even-numbered roots 2004-03-01
From A student:
I understand that the square root is defined to be positive only. Does the same rule apply to other even-numbered roots, such as the 4th root, or the 6th root, etc.?
Answered by Harley Weston.
Logs 2004-02-29
From Sandy:
find X

my book uses prop 7 to rewrite as logb4raised3/2-logb8raised2/3+logb2=logbx; then writes logb8-logb4+logb2=logbx how did it get here?

Answered by Claude Tardif.
A dress-maker's pattern 2004-02-27
From A dress-maker:
Does a dress-maker's pattern for a dress, such as a skirt made up of several pieces of isosceles trapezoid, qualify as a net? How about patterns for other types of clothing or accessories e.g. jackets, handbags?Î
Answered by Diane Hanson.
Napoleon's theorem 2004-02-27
From David:
How do i prove this : For any triangle, if you make 3 equillateral triangles using the sides of the the original triangle, the central points of the 3 tringles another triangle that is equillateral.z
Answered by Chris Fisher and Penny Nom.
GST and PST 2004-02-26
From Mallory:
I was absent on the day that my teacher taught the class how to find the GST and PST of items. I sort of understand that GST is 7% and PST is 7.5%, but our teacher said that we shouldn't combine the two to find the total amount... I'm really confused, so can you please help me?&
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Three jugs 2004-02-26
From Shelly:
You have three jugs: A 6 Liter, 4 Liter and a 3 Liter. Your goal is to get exactly 5 Liters of liquid in the 6 Liter jug. Your supply of liquid is unlimited and there are NO markings on the containers. You cannot do halves.
Answered by Claude Tardif.
The point where all the medians meet 2004-02-25
From A student:
What's the name of the point where all the medians meet?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Rearranging an expression 2004-02-24
From Corey:

use the following formula to answer the question F=9c divided by 5 plus 32

rearange the formula to solve for c
how many degrees fahrenheit would it be it it was:
0 degrees celcius
-10 degrees celcius
-46 degrees celcius

Answered by Penny Nom.
An elliptic cone 2004-02-24
From Ben:

I am building a model for my architecture class. I need to build a elliptic cone out of chipboard and i have no idea how to do this.

The cone needs to be 20in tall and the ellipse has a max radius of 10in and a min radius of 8in.

So my question is how do i lay this out on a piece of paper so that i can form the cone after i cut it out.

Answered by Penny Nom.
Profit, markup and discount 2004-02-22
From Kick:
Using the calculation on your website, if I sell something for $885 and my cost is $296, I make $589 profit. How do I calculate the profit percent I made on that transaction?

Profit as a percentage of what it cost me?
Profit as a percentage of what I sold it for?

Answered by Penny Nom.
A problem with logs 2004-02-22
From Caitlyn:
problem: ln x + ln (x-2) = 1

I can solve this on the calculator, but the book wants 1+ [(sqroot)1+e]. How can I get the e?

Answered by Penny Nom.
Selecting balls from a golf bag 2004-02-21
From A student:
There are 5 white and 5 yellow balls in a golf bag. Two are selected randomly, and simultaneously. What is the probability that the first one or the second one will be white?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The dimensions of a rectangle 2004-02-21
From Jane:
A rectangular label has an area of 176cm2 and a perimeter of 54cm. Find the dimensions of the label.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Gallons in a cylinder 2004-02-20
From Jim:
Please advise how to use the formula I saw for determining the number of gallons in a cylinder? This is how it was written V = pi r2 h . does this mean pie, or 3.14 X radius squared, X the height? If so please use a standard 55 gal barrel (1' R & 3' H) for example?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Arrays 2004-02-19
From A parent:
please demonstrate mathematical arrays fro a 3rd grader
Answered by Penny Nom.



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