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Which one has the most factors? 2003-10-31
From Kristi:
Of all the whole numbers less than or equal to 5000, which one has the most factors?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Divisibility by 2 or 5 or both 2003-10-30
From Abdu:
How many positive integers less than 1,001 are divisible by either 2 or 5 or both?
Answered by Penny Nom.
1/x + 1/y = 5/12 2003-10-30
From Ben:
1/x +1/y =5/12, what is the sum of x and y?
Answered by Penny Nom.
12 cookies 2003-10-29
From Joel:
there are 12 chocolate, sugar and cinnamon cookies. the probability of choosing a chocolate cookie is 1/3. the probability of choosing a sugar cookie is 1/4 what is the probability of choosing a cinnamon cookie
Answered by Penny Nom.
A rectangle on a disk 2003-10-29
From Arthur:
How do I go about solving the following problem: What is the width of the largest rectangle with a length of 16 inches you can cut from a circular piece of cardboard having a 10 inch radius?
Answered by Penny Nom.
How much time? 2003-10-29
From Lori:
I am a elementary teacher 3-6 math. We have just implemented the Houghton Mifflin Math curriculum. It seems to be quite difficult for most of our students. In order to get through all the material we need to do a lesson a day. Although the students are not getting the material that fast. Should we move on without all the students understanding the material or should we wait and remediate until they get it and be behind for the year. This isn't just a few kids its most of the kids. We are also suppose to teach to all the standards so if we don't get to them the students will not do well on the standardized tests.
Answered by Diane Hanson.
Trees 2003-10-28
From Ali:
Is there any formula for counting the number of trees (graphs)?
Answered by Denis Hanson.
Means 2003-10-28
From Abdu:


The average of the 8 numbers listed above is 88. Of the following which pair of numbers could be removed from the list without changing the average.

A. 80 and 97
B. 80 and 98
C. 84 and 92
D. 84 and 97
E. 85 and 92

Answered by Andrei Volodin and Penny Nom.
Solve for x 2003-10-27
From Lonnie:
i need help with solving equations and formulas such as -3x+b=6x, for x. I do not understand how you find x.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Knitting gauge and felting 2003-10-27
From Sara:

I wish to create a pattern to knit an item that will then be felted, thus, shrink as a result. In order to determine the proper gauge to use in creating the item, I produced a gauge swatch, noted the original properties and then the post-felting properties. They are as follow:

Before Felting:

20 stitches(width) x 20 rows(height)yielded:
Gauge: 3.2 stitches(width) and 4 rows(height) = 1"
Dimensions: 6.25"(width) x 5.25"(height)

After Felting:

20 stitches(width) x 20 rows(height)
Dimensions: 4"(width) x 3"(height)

How do I calculate the percentage change in size to accurately determine the number of stitches and rows needed to produce the desired dimensions for the finished (felted) item?

Answered by Penny Nom.
A rock on a string 2003-10-26
From A student:
a rock on a 4' string is rotated at 80 rpm. what is the linear speed in feet per second? in miles per hour?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Maine and Nevada 2003-10-24
From Jimmy:

From 1989 to 1990, the population of Nevada increased b y 157,000, and that of Maine increased by 30,000. In 1990, the population of Nevada was 1,206,152, and that of Maine was 1,233,223. If the populations of the two states continue to increase at the same rates, when will the populations of Nevada and Maine be the same?

Write a verbal model for this problem
Write an equation for the model
Solve the equation and answer the question.

Answered by Penny Nom.
A parabola 2003-10-24
From Delores:
Given the vertex (4, -2) y intercept = -6 find if/where the parabola crosses the x axis?
Answered by Penny Nom.
0.810 and 0.801 2003-10-24
From Ahmed:

could you please tell me what is the greatest decimal fraction formed of the digits 0, 1 , 8?

Is it 0.810 or 0.801, please give me the reason of the answer in details and the references if it possible.

Answered by Penny Nom.
Odd Pythagorean triples 2003-10-23
From Kathleen:
in a triple can a and b be odd numbers
Answered by Penny Nom.



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