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Functions and relations 2002-04-25
From Erin:
Here's a few math problems that might drive a person insane ;)
  1. If 2f(x) - 3f(1/x) = x^2 what is f(2)?

  2. What are the domain and range of the following relations?
    • x^2 - 4y^2 = 25
    • 4x^2 + 9y^2 = 36

  3. The port of Swan Harbor is 200km away from Merry Town Inlet on a bearing of N50E from Merry Town. A ship leaves Merry Town at 8am and sails N15W at 15 km/h. At the same time, a second ship leaves Swan Harbour on a course of S80W at 20km/hour. How close, to the nearest km, are the two ships at 13:00?

  4. Prove the identity. 1+sinx + cosx/ 1-sinx + cosx = 1+sinx / cosx

Answered by Penny Nom.
How much of that total is G.S.T? 2002-04-24
From Darlene:
If I have $1700.00 how much of that total is G.S.T?

not 1700.00 + gst

____ + _____ gst = 1700.00

Answered by Patrick Maidorn.
Arithmetic progressions 2002-04-24
From David:
I have been searching everywhere for the formula to mathamatical progression.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Un problème mathématique 2002-04-23
From Mylène:
En me servant de ces chiffres 1 2 3 4 5 6 je dois les utiliser seulement qu'une fois en faisant l'équation suivante.
? X ?   X  ? __    __    ?   ? X ?   = 2 

Answered by Claude Tardif.
An Olympiad problem 2002-04-23
From Aurora:
I wrote a mathematical Olympiad the other day and there was one question that I could not work out.

The question was If ab = 1, bc =2, cd =3, de =4 and ea = 6, what does a + b + c + d +e =

It was a multiple choice and the answers were : 43/6; 47/6; 49/6; 53/6; 61/6 The correct answer was 61/6, but how can do you get to that answer?

Answered by Anrei Volodin.
A test drive 2002-04-23
From Jennie:
At 9 A.M. a test car driving at a constant speed passes a marker 50 miles from it's starting point. At noon the car is about 130 miles from the marker. If the test drive ends at 1:30 P.M., how far will the car be from its starting point?
Answered by Penny Nom.
25m = 100 2002-04-22
From Megan:
If 25m = 100, Then m equals what number?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Lines of symmetry 2002-04-22
From Cindie:
How many lines of symmetry do the following figures contain?





Answered by Walter Whiteley.
Problem solving 2002-04-20
From Kathy:
  1. Zachary wanted to run the shore-to shore marathon next month, a 26 mile race from one side of the island where he lived to the other. He decided to work up to 26 miles by running five days a week for the next five weeks. Each day he'd run one mile longer than he did the day before, except for the first day of the week, when he'd run the same number of miles he ran on the last day of the previous week. He wanted his last two practice runs to be 26 and 27 miles long.

    How many miles would he have to run on his first practice run?

  2. A school just bought a new set of encyclopedias. The front and back covers are 1/8 inch thick, and the pages are 1/100 inch thick (in other words, there are 100 pages per inch). the 26 volume set has a total of 5,250 pages. If you assume there is no extra space left between books, then .........

    What length of bookshelf will the encyclopedias take up?

Answered by Penny Nom.
Solve for x 2002-04-20
From A student:
solve for x.
  c-x      2x+b ----- = --------   a        c 

Answered by Peny Nom.
Cubic yards 2002-04-20
From Pat:
Answered by Harley Weston.
An augmented matrix 2002-04-20
From A student:
Hi my math teacher asked us to solve an augmented matrix. I am in twelfth grade and need help. The book we are working on is college algebra. Here it is


Answered by Penny Nom.
Solving for x 2002-04-19
From Susan:
I'm having a little trouble solving these equations for x. I can't seem to separate x fully from the other numbers. Please help! Here are the problems:

(2x-1)/(x-2)(x 2+3) = 0 and

Answered by Penny Nom.

Moving a triangle 2002-04-18
From A student:
find the verticles of a triangle after it is translated 2 units to the left and then is reflected across the graph of y=x+2. The original verticles of the triangle are (2,0), (3,2), and (6,2).
Answered by Peny Nom.
How many different account numbers are possible? 2002-04-18
From Andrene:
how many different account numbers are possible if the account numbers consist of a letter of the alphabet, followed by five numerical digits, and followed by another letter.
Answered by Penny Nom.



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