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Simplify this expression 2002-02-26
From Francine:
2X power 5 Y power 3 times 18 X power -5 Y power -3 divided by X power 1/3 Y power 1/4.

I came up with
     36 ---------- X 1/3 Y 1/4 
The book says 36 x1/3 y1/4.
I don't get it.

Answered by Penny Nom.
sin 2x = cos 3x 2002-02-25
From Allan:

sin 2x = cos 3x

Primary question: how do you handle the cos 3x?

Answered by Paul Betts and Chris Fisher.
The substitution method 2002-02-24
From Joe:
whats the answer to this question? 3x+y=11

its substitution method i am having alot of trouble figuring it out. send the answer as soon as possible. thank you

Answered by Penny Nom.
A hat of a different color 2002-02-24
From Kirstin:
A teacher made a deal with 3 of his students. He said that if you can guess what color hat you have on your head without looking, I will pass you. There were 2 red hats and 3 blue hats. The deal worked like this: The three students would close there eyes, and the teacher would put a hat on each of their heads and then hide the other 2. Then one at a time, the students would open their eyes and try to figure out what color hat was on their head. The student could guess or pass. This is what happened when they put their deal to the test: A boy named Arturo was first and opened his eyes but wasn't sure so he passed so he didn't get it wrong. Belicia was next and she passed too because she wasn't sure. Also she thought about the fact that Arturo didn't know. Carletta was last and without even opening her eyes, she knew for sure what color hat she was wearing and her answer was right. So i have to figure out what color hat she's wearing for sure.
Answered by Claude Tardif.
350 students took the math A exam 2002-02-22
From Jim:
at a high school 350 students took the math A exam. 82% passed the test. 40 students that failed the exam in june, took the exam in August. 70% of this group passed the August test. How many of the original 350 students have passed the exam before september?
Answered by Paul Betts and Penny Nom.
1,4,27,____,_____46656 2002-02-21
From Brenda:
1,4,27,____,_____46656..... please find the fourth and fifth numbers in this sequence.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Alfredos house number 2002-02-21
From Aunt Patty:
Alfredos house number is between 20 and 35. The sum of the digits is less than 5. If you subtract 1 from it you would get a multiple of 3. If you add three, you get a multiple of 5. What is Alfredos house number.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Proof by induction 2002-02-20
From Tamaswati:
How do I prove the assertion that "the determinant of an upper triangular matrix is the product of the diagonal entries" by mathematical induction? (Before I check this assertion for a few values of n how do I rephrase the assertion slightly so that n appears explicitly in the assertion?)
Answered by Penny Nom.
An octagon-shaped deck 2002-02-20
From An instructor:
How can you solve for finding the side measurements of an octagon-shaped deck that is 10 feet long and 10 feet wide.
Answered by Penny Nom.
When will the calendar be the same as 2002? 2002-02-20
From John:
When will the calendar be the same as 2002? I know the answer is 2013, but I don't know how to answer this mathematically, or if it is possible to do so. This is a ninth grade level algebra question my daughter received from her teacher. Any ideas?
Answered by Chris Fisher, Patrick Maidorn and Penny Nom.
Shipping charges 2002-02-19
From Sohail:
A mail order company charges a fixed fee for shipping merchandise that weighs 1 pound or less, plus an additional fee for each pound over 1 pound. If there shipping charge for 5 pounds is $4.80, and for 12 pounds is $6.20, find the fixed fee and the additional fee.
Answered by Penny Nom.
A farmer takes 100 animals to the market to sell. 2002-02-19
From Ann:
A farmer takes 100 animals to the market to sell. All are sold and $100 is earned. The prices were $5.00 per cow, $1.00 per sheep and $.05 per pig. At least one of each kind of animal was sold. How many of each kind of animal did the farmer take to market?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Sampling distributions 2002-02-18
From A student:
  1. given: n = 40, standard deviation is not known, population of individual observations not normal. does the central limit theorem apply in this case? why or why not?

  2. for an estimation problem, list two ways of reducing the magnitude of sampling error?

  3. What will happen to the magnitude of sampling error if the confidence level is raised all other things remaining the same? justify your answer?

Answered by Harley Weston.
Double square roots 2002-02-17
From Ali:
i have a question about how to do double square roots with variables and powers.

example : v/"" v/"" 81y8

Answered by Harley Weston.
A degree 5 polynomial 2002-02-17
From Carla:
Write an equation for a polynomial of degree 5 given the following zeros:
-7+3i, -2+sqrt(13), 6

Answered by Penny Nom.



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